Fresh Grass Gone at Turruwull Park!

Rosebery Community News
2 min readFeb 23, 2021
Synthetic grass coming to Turruwull Park

Do you like the smell of fresh grass & the grass feeling between your toes when at Turruwull Park? City of Sydney is getting rid of the fresh green grass & spending millions of (your) council dollars replacing it with plastic synthetic grass!

The City of Sydney is ramming this through without any consultation with Rosebery residents.

Rosebery Community News was first made aware of it by a Facebook Page post.

Many residents have contacted Rosebery Community News to say they feel if there is a need to play more soccer games at Turruwull Park, why not move all the games to the newly built soccer field built behind Gunyama Park Aquatic & Recreation Centre in Zetland which has a new synthetic field & leave the fresh grass untouched at Turruwull Park — most of the soccer teams that play games at Turruwull Park are from out of town anyway.

No consultation — residents learnt the news via Facebook Page post from City of Sydney

Too much disappointment, Turruwull Park is a unique park that allows many families to come to the park to enjoy a late afternoon catch up with friends on the grass, have a few drinks while enjoying the sunset. Families come to have fun with their dog on real grass. Many families living in Rosebery units nearby come to Turruwull Park to get a feeling of normality because they don’t have any grass at home. Placing plastic synthetic grass will destroy what is a really beautiful space of Rosebery.

Dogs are also not allowed on any other City of Sydney owned ovals with plastic synthetic grass. This no dog rule will also be applied to Turruwull Park.

Many residents are seeing this move by Clover Moore & co as the last straw that broke the camel’s back by turning Rosebery into a fake concrete jungle.

Dogs not allowed on ovals with synthetic grass in City of Sydney

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